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Augusto Righi

Bologna 27. August.1850- Bologna 08. June.1920


Time line Biographical


1850 On August 27 It Is born to Bologna of Peter, Francesco Righi (1807 - 1872), and Giuseppina Zanelli.

1861-67 It attends Technical Institute of Bologna

1872  It confers in civil engineering to the University of Bologna

1872-80 eacher to the Technical Institute of Bologna Pacinotti successor.


1880-85 Teacher to the University of Palermo.

1885-89 November 1885 Teacher to the University of Padova 

1886 20 December Padoue Il naît le fils Aldo Righi

1889 Teacher to the University of Bologna

1898 Member of the Academy of the Lincei

1905 It names to Senator of the Reign

1920 July 08th Dies has Boulogne