Doc Fleming
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Sir John Ambrose Fleming

 Letter to Marconi   November 30, 1904

This is a three page letter sent to Marconi from J Ambrose Fleming revealing to Marconi his invention of the Thermionic valve. The letter begins with Fleming congratulating Marconi on his honor awarded by Glasgow University which was presented to him by Lord Kelvin. He continues by mentioning that with Marconi spending a lot of time away, they had had little time to discuss business, but had read reports of all evidence in the   Forest case. Fleming comments:
'I agree that we have a very strong case but I think there are elements of doubt how, from this judgment will give a monopoly of all forms of Hertzian wave telegraphy to you, but I hope that it will do so.' 

Fleming goes on to tell Marconi about his own experiments and achievements, these include the development of an instrument 'which can measure exactly the wavelength of electric waves up to one mile in length' , this he called a kummeter, and his discovery of 'a method of rectifying electrical oscillations, that is making the flow of electricity all in the same direction so that I can detect them with an ordinary mirror galvanometer'. Fleming concludes this correspondence by saying; ' This opens up a wide field for work as I can now measure exactly the effect of the transmitter. I have not mentioned this to anyone yet as it may become very useful.'