Bell documents
Marconi doc. 



Alexander Graham Bell




Letter from Alexander Graham Bell to Guglielmo Marconi, September 30, 1899 


 September 30, 1899. 
Signor Marconi, 
Care New York Herald, 
New York, N. Y. 
My dear Sir:--

I see by the papers that you are contemplating a trip to Nova Scotia, and I hope that if you do come up this way you will not leave these shores without paying me a visit.

I have followed your experiments with much interest and have regretted being so far away from New York just now that I could not have the pleasure of meeting you there personally.

Mrs. Bell and I would be much pleased to welcome you to our summer home. The best way of reaching here is to take a railroad ticket for Grand Narrows, Nova Scotia, which is in direct steamboat communication with this place. Beinn Bhreagh is just across the bay from the town of Baddeck and the steamboat would land you directly at my wharf.

I should be glad to have the opportunity of talking over with you the possibility of wireless telephony and still more glad to meet you personally and shake you by the hand.

Yours sincerely, {Begin handwritten}Alexander Graham Bell{End handwritten}