Retourne Pickard
Chronologie tlc
Chronologie télégraphe
Chronologie téléphone
Chronologie radio
Chronologie comp..
Index Scientifiques

Greenleaf Whittier Pickard

Portland, Maine, U.S 14.02.1877-Newton, Mass.08.01.1956
12 11 1904 U.S. Patent 796,012 - Electrostatic separation
27 09 1905 U.S. Patent 827,115 - Electrostatic separation
27 09 1905 U.S. Patent 827,116 - Electrostatic separation
30 08 1906 U.S. Patent 836,531 - Means for receiving intelligence communicated by electric waves (silicon detector), 1906

29 01 1906 U.S. Patent 840,802 - Electrostatic separator,1907
08 11 1906 U.S. Patent 877,451 - Means for receiving intelligence communicated by electric waves (spring-loaded detector contact),
08 11 1906 U.S. Patent 1,213,250 - Means for receiving intelligence communicated by electric waves (receiving circuit, divided from ),
23 11 1906 U.S. Patent 845,316 - Means for receiving intelligence communicated by electric waves (copper sulfate solution detector), 1907
10 06 1907 U.S. Patent 876,996 - Intelligence intercommunication by magnetic wave component (loop antenna), 1908
30 09 1907 U.S. Patent 886,154 - Oscillation receiver (fused zinc oxide detector), 1908
09 11 1907 U.S. Patent 888,191 - Oscillation receiver (polished silicon detector, 1908
11 03 1907 U.S. Patent 904,222 - Oscillation detecting means (molybdenite detector), 1908
03 09 1907 U.S. Patent 956,165 - Electrical Space Communication (interference mitigation)

03 09 1907 U.S. Patent 912,613 - Oscillation detector and rectifier ("plated" silicon carbide detector with DC bias), G.W. Pickard, 1909
15 10 1908U.S. Patent 912,726 - Oscillation receiver (fractured surface red zinc oxide (zincite) detector), 1909
25 03 1909 U.S. Patent 933,263 - Oscillation device (iron pyrite detector), 1909
20 08 1910 U.S. Patent 1,118,228 - Oscillation detectors (pairs of minerals), 1914
09 03 1910 U.S. Patent 1,185,711 - Receiver for wireless telephony and telegraphy (interrupted or switched circuit instead of rectifier), 
21 06 1911 U.S. Patent 1,104,073 - Detector for wireless telegraphy and telephony (looped or humped springy wire detector contact), 1914
03 07 1912 U.S. Patent 1,128,817 - Valve detector for wireless (vacuum tube with conducting shield to drain static), 1915
23 04 1920 U.S. Patent 1,561,483 - Distinguishing dielectric sheets
26 03 1920 U.S. Patent 1,907,571 - Radio Receiving Apparatus (multiple loop antennas), 1920
23 08 1921 U.S. Patent 1,476,102 - Optical selection of split mica sheets
09 12 1922 U.S. Patent 1,918,825 - Extreme loading condenser
24 09 1924 U.S. Patent 1,676,745 - Electrical reactance and method and apparatus
Technical studies and evidence   Greenleaf Whittier Pickard, National Association of Regional Broadcast Stations, United States. Federal Communications Commission. Broadcast DivisionFederal Communications Commission, Broadcast Division, 1936 - 78 pagine